Thursday, February 8, 2018

How I Spent My Snow Day

When you’re young, snow days are a gift from the snow gods. You get to stay home, play in the snow, maybe drink some hot cocoa. You definitely don’t have to go to school. Now that I’m an adult, snow days are still nice to have, but not always as exciting when I was a kid. There is snow to shovel and roofs to clean. House chores need to get done. Snow days can be work!

Yesterday was snow day for me. It was going to be a snow day regardless because of my hour long commute and the really horrible forecast. Thankfully, it was a workplace wide closing. Regardless, I got to stay home where it’s warm and comfy.

It’s also where my bird is.

Oh,.. right. And also my husband.

Him too.

Anyway, this is the story of my snow day.

I woke up. This is essential to any snow day. You must, at some point in time, wake up. I even checked my email, which is when I learned that it wasn’t just ME having a snow day, but the whole University.


I did regular wake up stuff. Got out of bed. Made breakfast. Got dressed.

Once the waking up was settled, I did a workout. This was total strategy. I wanted a workout done and in the books early so I could continue on my day. I tried a new one – LesMills Grit. It was really hard.

Also, fun fact. On Wednesdays we wear pink.

WRONG FACT! Also, not true either.

On Wednesdays I have an online commitment where I answer Moodle questions for people in the college/University system I work for. Even though my University was closed, other sites were open. So I still served my two hours.

It’s usually really quiet and no one logs on to ask questions. Of course, on a snow day people came on. Right in the middle of my workout!

I wish I looked like Stephen Amell while working out... 

I stopped, answered the question, went back to the workout. Finished it.
GREAT. Workout done.

I cleaned the pellet stove because it was pellet stove cleaning day. Also, laundry.

After I finished my Moodle shift – there was even ANOTHER person who logged on! Who knew that a snow day would be so popular?!?!
Righto—moving on.. finished my shift. I did the thing I’ve been putting off.

Technically, that’s lots of things, come to think of it. But this was important.

I went through my clothes.
All of the clothes that don’t fit anymore because they are really too big, they went into a bin. I tried some other clothes on. I dredged up enough pants that fit that I don’t have to feel like I’m wearing the same clothes every day.
Although there are a lot of black pants in there, so --- that’s a thing.
It was kind of liberating to get rid of clothes that are really too big.
And I was really grateful that I kept so many clothes that were, at the time, too small.
I just have to find a place for my old pants to go.

I finished that and when outside to play in the snow. I shoveled for absolutely no reason. There’s not that much snow yet. I just wanted to get in some steps.

I also shoveled a path to the compost pile. Something has definitely been exploring it, but I’m not sure what. The tracks were pretty big.

ANYWAY—have at it wild animals!

I also made a really horrible snow angel.

I spent a considerable chunk of my afternoon finishing a puzzle and listening to Critical Role. I was actually able to catch up to the new season, which was really awesome for me.

Also, throw in a few more times shoveling, just for steps. I made it easy to get around my car.

Made some dinner and had a little TV time. That's just about my day.

And, if you made it this far through my day, you might be wondering why.
You came here for my food and diet facts. What is this day of nonsense post?
There is actually a lot of sense in my nonsense.

Normally my days are planned out. I know what I’m doing and about when. Everything follows a specific rhythm which makes it easy to follow. On the flip side, it gets really tedious and when tedious happens, we tend to get bored. Snow days are a nice time to break up that pattern and see what happens.

Can I hit my fitness goals while I’m at home? Is there a new food combination I can try?

I learned that eating oatmeal for breakfast throws off my protein intake for the whole day because it doesn’t pack as big a punch as my banana breakfast smoothie.

I tried a new workout. I didn’t enjoy it as much as some of the others but I didn’t die doing it. I also hit my goals by making a lot of active choices like shoveling and working out. I don’t ALWAYS need to plan out my workouts and I'm really good at being active. That’s good to know.

I was able to add variety into what is normally a really routine schedule. It's also nice to have some downtime where I can do things like puzzles and cleaning my wardrobe. Downtime lets my brain relax and cleaning my wardrobe helps me be better prepared for workdays when I need to throw on some clothes. Clothes that fit being preferable. 

Snow days are a nice way for me to relax, explore, and re-energize for the rest of the week.
Or just to get in a lot of shoveling. 

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