Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Hitting Goals

Making goals is great, but only if you eventually hit that goal. 
I’ve been smashing some of my own goals, and it makes me feel really proud! 

I mean, yeah.. I’ve hit some weight loss goals, but those are honestly less important than some of the other goals I’ve hit.

Look! Janelle and I at Starbucks!
For instance, one of my goals was to be able to wear fun clothes.

I wanted to make my wardrobe great again!!!
Too soon? Too late?

Anyway, I’ve totally done that. I’ve had to get rid of countless clothes that simply would not stay on me. My friend Janelle (er… was I supposed to change your name to protect your innocence?) took my clothes shopping a month ago so I could have appropriate summer clothes.
I literally had nothing that fit that was going to take m

That’s a serious YAY and I feel like I got so
me fun purchases.

Also some sensible things.

I even made myself a fun Marvel tunic with SHIRRING.

I also had a running goal.

Let me preface this by saying that I have never, ever been a runner. You know in PE class (that’s Physical Education) when they make you run around the field. I was at a pretty solid walk.

Also, that was really ages ago – like over 20 years.


Since then, I have occasionally had this thought that maybe I would like to run.

BUT… I mean, I never really got much farther than thinking – huh. How would that feel?

I even did the Run/Walks sponsored by the Biggest Loser in Killington, VT.

Now, for people who have never been to Vermont, let me explain, that Killington is a ski mountain. So the trail was going down a nice hill, but then some up hills and downhills. Oh, with a ride on the chair lift mixed in there. Pretty brutal.

I thought I could run for a good chunk of this event. I had been using a treadmill. I could run… a bit.. like maybe for 1 minute. But I was solid. I was gonna…..  the reality was I walked most of it and was pretty much dead last both time I competed.

They stopped doing the races and honestly, I was pretty much over doing a Run/Walk at Killington.

That was a few years ago and I had kinda taken a break from trying to run.

This was me???
With my renewed interest in bettering myself this past year, I started using the treadmill at work again.

I gave myself a goal I thought I could work toward. I wanted to complete 2 miles in 30 minutes.
I didn’t use the treadmill every day (have you met me?! I don’t have that kind of time), but when I went I would track how well I did.

I was able to work with a student athlete who helped me with strength training and I used my treadmill goal as something I wanted to work on.

I also posted to social media every time I felt I got closer to my goal.
I know some people are all --- social media is evil. People are horrible. Why do you want to share your stuff with the world?
EEEESH. Tone it down.

If you don’t want to read my health posts, you don’t have to follow me.

It actually feels really good to have people encourage you and be excited about your progress. Give you advice. Share their own story.

Most importantly, I MADE IT!

Yeah, that’s right. I hit that goal and I smashed it.

My best time was 2 minutes in 27:45. That was also with my student athlete friend pushing me along.
Who runs at a 5.0??

Me for like maybe 3 minutes.

Now that I’ve hit that goal, I’ve had to set new ones.

Yeah--- you heard me. I SET.A.NEW.GOAL.

I didn’t just let it slide. To be honest, I’ve been working on other things, so I haven’t hit the treadmill as much recently (I’ve got other things I’m working on), but I do have new treadmill goals.

One is just to have the endurance to run the two miles at a consistent pace because while I can run that 2 miles, it’s lots of slowing down and then running fast. I would like to find that steady pace.

But I’d also like to do it better and eventually do another 5k.

Maybe still not at Killington.

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