Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Hiccups and Derailments

You might think that everything is easy for me. I mean, this whole weight loss adventure is just all peaches and cherry blossoms. Nothing ever gets derailed or goes wrong. I never get off track.
You would be incorrect in that assessment.

It’s never easy.

Some days are more challenging than other days. I might be in a solid groove for a few days but then BAM – something unexpected happens. Or things don’t happen as you thought they might.

That trip to Hampton Beach with friends. That was awesome, but I ate SO BADLY. I didn’t plan on having a sugary smoothie and ice cream. But then I did because – I didn’t plan and I actually didn’t know what to expect. I still regret nothing. It was an awesome day trip to the ocean. Let’s be serious. Any day I can wave jump is a good day.

Me at Hampton Beach 2018
I did plan on that Family Reunion. In fact, I don’t think I did as badly as I was anticipating. There were lots of green salads and fruit. Also, whipped cream type salads that I only get at .. family reunions. Also, there was cake. And brownies. I had some, but I didn’t have a TON. Which for me – solid score.

The Gooey Salted Caramel Chip bars I made for the reunion. 
What I didn’t plan on that five-year-old being I took for a few days to be so.. time consuming! Adorable, but time consuming. Apparently, they don’t watch themselves? So confused. 

So – maybe there were a few extra snacks, because at the end of the day – a long day because I’m not organized and how did it get to be 8:30 already and this five-year old is still awake? – I needed… something to dull the pain and leftover brownies from the reunion seemed smarter than vodka.

Beach Days. Reunions. Family. Kids. Unexpected breaks in routines (like rain – why is it raining again? And yes, my lawn needs the rain but it does make it gloomy.)

All these things happen.

It’s not about the things that happen. It’s the part after that matters.

You know, the day after beach day.

The day after the reunion (which for me went straight into having the five-year-old).

The day after the five-year-old leaves.

What do you do THAT day?

There are two options.
You look at yourself and say.. well, it’s Wednesday, so I’ll start tracking again on Monday.
Yeah, that’s it. Really. Gonna psych myself back up for that day. Monday….


You look at yourself and say.. okay, back to business. Right now. Today.

Because today is staring you in the face saying – what are you going to accomplish today?

So I nailed it. I tracked. I did a workout and mowed the lawn. I stopped at Starbucks and got the Cold Foam Cascara Cold Brew instead of the Ultra Caramel Frappuccino, because as much as I like the Frappuccino better – 80 calories vs. 400 calories.
Kinda obvious winner right there.

And who knows – Monday might have some hiccup that you didn’t plan on. So you might as well take today by the boot straps and see what you can make of it.

Go on. Try it out.

And if today doesn’t work out, at least you tried. Maybe it will help you figure out how to do better tomorrow.

You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to win.

Hiccups and Derailments

You might think that everything is easy for me. I mean, this whole weight loss adventure is just all peaches and cherry blossoms. Nothing ...